
2511 S. Veterans Drive, Effingham, IL  62401

(217) 347-5778


2511 S. Veterans Drive, Effingham, IL  62401

(217) 347-5778

Clubs and Extra-Curricular Activities

Archers Basketball Program

Coached by Nate Coomer

Grades 4th-8th participate.
Play a total of 15-20 games per season.
Season starts in September and goes through February.
Co-ed basketball team.
The 2023/2024 school year was our third season.

Coaches Statement

My main goal for every basketball season is to teach kids life lessons, how to glorify God on and off the court, and show them how great of a sport basketball is. I love basketball and have grown to love the sport more and more every year because I get to coach and be around kids that are learning. My life verse that I like to live by is Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as if serving the Lord and not human masters”.

  • The Three Goals Of DCS Archers

1st: Glorifying God by performing to the best of our abilities at all times

2nd: Being a great teammate through every situation

3rd: Working hard while developing good habits

We try to hit these three marks in everything we do on and off the court.

Archers Cross Country

Coached by Kirstie Burry

Coaches Statement

The Discovery Christian School Cross Country team is a team looking to better their health and increase their speed. We enjoy running on all types of terrain. The goal for this team is to build unity, increase speed, have fun, and get in the best shape we can.

Cross Country is for current 5th-8th grade with each meet consisting of a 2 mile race. The team may also participate in a few local 5Ks.
Please reach out to the school office at (217) 347-5778 if interested and they will get you connected with Kirstie.

Archers Chess Club

Coached by Jeremy Bridges

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